© Badisches Landesmuseum, Foto: ARTIS – Uli Deck
The 80s
Back Again!
The exhibition has been closed since 25.2.24.
Punk and partying, television and Gameboys, the demise of the forest, and the fall of the Berlin Wall – the 1980s were marked by political conflicts and social upheaval, but also marked the dawn of a digital future. Opening on 17 June 2023, the cultural history exhibition “The 80s – Back Again!” will revive memories of one of the most exciting decades in German post-war history.
The major exhibition at the Badisches Landesmuseum allows visitors to experience that tumultuous decade that saw the end of a divided GermanyWho doesn’t remember fitness fashion and Friesennerz, festivals and peace demonstrations, men wearing knitwear and androgynous women with shoulder pads? Popular TV soaps brought the nation together in front of the small-screen, and telephones were still land-line only.. Disco, club, and stadium concerts provided a collective feeling, but at the same time, cell phones, Walkmans, and game consoles created a culture of leisure that was fast becoming more and more individualized. Consumer goods increasingly reflected global fashions. For many young adults, travel, such as with the Interrailing, offered an exciting gateway to freedom and adventure. However, the seemingly pop-colorful decade was also marked by wider existential concerns about the workplace, world peace, environmental destruction, and the consequences of nuclear power. The global pandemic at that time was called AIDS. Public spaces were contested, and the power of the state and western capitalismwere questioned by punks, autonomists, and others. At the close of the decade, the fall of the Berlin Wall was associated with great political hopes and desires: the Cold War appeared to have been overcome, but reunification posed a historical challenge and a generational project.
The exhibition of cultural history at the Badisches Landesmuseum brings to life one of the most exciting and contradictory decades in post-war Germany. The show does not finish at the borders of the old Federal Republic, but gives attention to the political events, oppositional currents, and living environments of the GDR.
Furthermore, visitors are invited to actively participate in this culture of remembrance and to contribute iconic objects themselves. For the first time, the Museum has recruited a Guest Curator: vent manager and journalist Martin Wacker will bring all of his expertise to bear in collaboration with Brigitte Heck, Head of the Folklore Department. The exhibition offers a nostalgic journey through the past, while also establishing a connection with the present. The youth of the 1980s now has a serious responsibility: it must critically ask itself what it achieved back then, and which burning issues it will bequeath to future generations.

Permanent Exhibitions (incl. "Palace and Court")
Schloss Karlsruhe, Schlossbezirk 10, 76131 Karlsruhe
Special presentations included in the ticket: Just Pray and Work? and Spolia
- Adults8 Euro
- Reduced*6 Euro
- 6–17 Years0 Euro
- Student group (per person)0 Euro
Mon closed
Tue–Thu 10 am–5 pm
Fri–Sun and holidays 10 am-6 pm
(New Year Jan 1, from 1 p.m.; Christmas Eve Dec 24 and New Year's Eve Dec 31, closed)
Picture gallery

Violett glänzender Bodysuit, 1980er Jahre, Deutschland, Kunstfaser, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Band von der Menschenkette Stuttgart-Ulm, 1980er Jahre, Baumwolle, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
© Badisches Landesmuseum, Foto: ARTIS – Uli Deck
Plakat des Kinofilms "Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" von Ulrich Edel, 1981, Berlin, Solaris Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH Berlin; Constantin-Film (Berlin, West), Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Sportjacke aus Ballonseide, 1980er Jahre, Nylon, Baumwolle, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
© Badisches Landesmuseum, Foto: ARTIS – Uli Deck
Bruchstück der Berliner Mauer mit Graffitis, Deutschland (DDR), Beton, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Commodore C 64, Floppy-Diskette mit Software: Textomat Plus (Progr. 8), Tastatur mit eingebautem Laufwerk, 1982-1986, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Kassettenständer, 1970er- 1980er Jahre, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Makramee-Pferd, 1980er Jahre, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
© Badisches Landesmuseum, Foto: ARTIS – Uli Deck
32-seitige Programmatische Schrift zum Bundestagswahlkampf 1983, Druck auf Umweltpapier, DIY-Layout, 1983, Köln, Farbo Druck & Grafik Team GmbH, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Walkman, Sony, 1980er Jahre, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Kampagnensticker der IG Metall zur 35 Stunden-Woche, 1984, IG Metall (Deutschland, Bundesrepublik), Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul
Heft Nr. 11/1982 des Satiremagazins TITANIC mit dem kurz zuvor zum Bundeskanzler gewählten Helmut Kohl als Birne, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, 1982, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Tourenrucksack für Interrail-Touren mit Isomatte, 1980er Jahre, Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Jutetasche naturfarben mit dunkelrotem Aufdruck, 1980er Jahre, Bangladesch, Bayerisch Gmain, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.
Color Multi Spiel, Universum, 1980er Jahre, Badisches Landesmuseum. Foto: Gaul.