© Badisches Landesmuseum
WeltKultur / GlobalCulture
Brief description
The exhibition juxtaposes cultural achievements from different parts of the world to show how cultures have always been interlinked with one another.
Special features
The Badisches Landesmuseum uses an innovative concept to transmit a new historical awareness, and invites you to deal with the phenomenon of a global culture.
Without a doubt, the “foreign” is and has always been an object of fascination. At the same time, it also elicits deep-seated fears, which still open up questions of how to safeguard our own identity today. But is that which we believe to be foreign actually unknown, or does it instead reach back to our own front door, if not into our homes themselves. The permanent exhibition shows how strongly intercultural connections have shaped our lives over the past few centuries, and remain part of our everyday lives today.
Who remembers today, for instance, that the good old German garden gnome has its roots in Turkey? And who in the Islamic Republic of Iran would believe that an image of the young prophet Mohammed that once circulated followed an image template from two European photographers?
Since 2013, a different artist has presented a studio exhibition each year taking a position on a current social or political question. Home, exodus and migration are recurrent themes.
Picture gallery

© Badisches Landesmuseum
© Badisches Landesmuseum
© Badisches Landesmuseum
© Badisches Landesmuseum
© Badisches Landesmuseum