Time to toss it?

Of waste and ideas

Scrap, dirt and odor - waste is a problem. But we come into contact with waste every day and know how important it is to deal with it. Polluted oceans, microplastics in food and the climate crisis are issues that affect us all. Awareness about the urgency of the issue is growing. There are a lot of discussions about sustainability on a political level and the topic is also taking center stage in museums. Therefore, this exhibition is dedicated to the avoidance of waste. What options are there? How did previous generations deal with supposed waste?

The objects in our collection follow different strategies: Whether they were used for a long time, repaired, repurposed or recycled - each exhibit tells its own story of waste avoidance. Whether it is an instrument made from a tin can or a cup made from coffee grounds, the objects show creative ways to approach possible solutions. The exhibition takes a new look at alleged waste. It encourages us to learn how to appreciate the value of objects and to ask ourselves more often: Is it really time to toss it?

Exhibition of the volunteers

December 6, 2024 – September 28, 2025
Karlsruhe Palace

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